Capella University Online DBA Program & Specializations

The School of Business, Technology, and Health Care Administration at Capella University offers an online Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) program with three specializations: general management, organizational leadership and development, and strategy and innovation.

The DBA specializations prepare graduates with the skills they need at the highest level of business leadership. Students begin their capstone early in the program and work with dedicated faculty to develop their capstone research project.

Each specialization includes a list of degree outcomes that cover areas of business practice, planning, ethics, global environments, communication, business relationships, sustainability, critical thinking, organizational research and evidence-based decision-making. To help ensure graduates are properly trained to successfully serve in their chosen field, Capella University degrees are competency-based. In addition, Capella operates from an interprofessional educational model in which students in related programs share knowledge.

The DBA program is offered in two formats: GuidedPath and FlexPath.

GuidedPath is a more structured course-based learning format with preset deadlines, letter grades and peer interaction.

FlexPath is designed for self-starting learners. Flex Path is a self-paced, direct assessment format. This path includes one-on-one interaction with faculty and assessments to demonstrate competency and does not include peer interaction. Students earn program points rather than credits, competency ratings instead of letter grades, and earn the same degree upon graduation.

FlexPath is billed on a 12-week basis, and students may enroll in up to two concurrent courses, completing as many as possible within the 12-week billing session. Learners may begin a new course as soon as they complete a previous course. Start dates are offered once a month and new courses can begin at any time after completing a course.

Due to differences in these learning formats, start dates, time-to-completion, grading, delivery and tuition costs vary. The same degree is granted through both learning formats. Capella University is accredited through the Higher Learning Commission (HLC). The DBA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). Capella University is an online institution based in Minneapolis, MN.

What to Expect from the Capella University Online DBA

Admission Requirements: Applicants to the online DBA program must hold a master’s degree from an institution accredited by an agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or from an internationally recognized institution with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale as well as a valid, government-issued form of photo identification. No work experience or graduate exams are required. Students who have earned an MBA or a related degree may be able to transfer up to 24 credits.

International transcripts must be submitted with a transcript evaluation, and students whose first language is not English must submit proof of language proficiency.

Study Plan: The Capella University online DBA consists of 13 core and specialization courses. Start dates for GuidedPath begin each quarter in the fall, winter, spring or summer. Start dates for FlexPath are offered once a month and new courses can begin at any time after completing a course. GuidedPath courses range from four-to-six credits each, and students can take advantage of a quarterly tuition maximum by taking seven or more credits each quarter. FlexPath courses range from two-to-three program points.

Curriculum: The Capella University DBA core courses include: Your DBA Journey; Effective Organizational Leadership; Addressing Problems in Human Resources and Compliance; Strategic Decision-Making; Teaching Business and Higher Education; Survey of Research Methods; Quantitative Design and Analysis; and Qualitative Design and Analysis.

All specializations also complete the advanced doctoral courses titled: Proposal Writing; Data Analysis Practice and IRB Approval; Project Results; and Final Reviews and Presentation.

General Management Specialization Courses: Specialization courses for the DBA in General Management include Seminar: General Management Topic Development; Seminar: General Management Literature Review; either Leadership Theory and Practice or Strategy and Innovation – Theorizing, Crafting, Executing; High-Performance Leadership or Strategic Digital Transformation; and Catalysts for Change or Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity.

Organizational Leadership and Development Specialization Courses: Specialization courses for the DBA in Leadership include Leadership Theory and Practice; High-Performance Leadership; Catalysts for Change; Seminar: Leadership Topic Development; and Leadership Literature Review.

Strategy and Innovation Specialization Courses: Specialization courses for the DBA in Strategy and Innovation include Strategy and Innovation; Theorizing, Crafting, Executing; Strategic Digital Transformation; Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity; Seminar: Strategy and Innovation Topic Development; and Seminar: Strategy and Innovation Literature Review.

Online Experience: Capella DBA students complete a capstone project to demonstrate the ability to perform organizational research that is applied to solving current business problems. Online courses may include readings, case studies, simulations, group discussions and other learning modalities. Courses are mostly asynchronous with some synchronous activities required. All assignments are due on Sundays and are accompanied by a comprehensive scoring guide. Student assessment is outcomes-based.

Capella DBA students may access disability services, faculty support, academic advising, admissions support, writing support, tutors, military support staff, career counseling and technical support. Students purchase a resource kit that includes all materials needed for a course.

Capella University DBA - General Management

  • Follow the traditional GuidedPath or the self-paced FlexPath
Program Essentials
Degree Level Doctoral Degree
Program Start Dates Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer for GuidedPath (Monthly for FlexPath)
Credits Needed to Graduate Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view credit and tuition details
Time to Complete? Varies based on course load, learning path, and other factors
100% Online? No
Program Accreditation ACBSP
Program Admissions
Level of Education Required? Master's degree or higher
GPA Required? 3.0 or Greater
GRE or GMAT Required? No GMAT required
Work Experience Required? No
Program Tuition
Credit Hours Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view credit and tuition details
Average Cost Per Credit Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view the latest program tuition details
Estimated Program Tuition * Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view the latest program tuition details

Capella University DBA - Organizational Leadership and Development

Program Essentials
Degree Level Doctoral Degree
Program Start Dates Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer for GuidedPath (Monthly for FlexPath)
Credits Needed to Graduate Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view credit and tuition details
Time to Complete? Varies based on course load, learning path, and other factors
100% Online? No
Program Accreditation ACBSP
Program Admissions
Level of Education Required? Master's degree or higher
GPA Required? 3.0 or Greater
GRE or GMAT Required? No GRE required
Work Experience Required? No
Program Tuition
Credit Hours Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view credit and tuition details
Average Cost Per Credit Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view the latest program tuition details
Estimated Program Tuition * Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view the latest program tuition details

Capella University DBA - Strategy and Innovation

Program Essentials
Degree Level Doctoral Degree
Program Start Dates Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer for GuidedPath (Monthly for FlexPath)
Credits Needed to Graduate Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view credit and tuition details
Time to Complete? Varies based on course load, learning path, and other factors
100% Online? No
Program Accreditation ACBSP
Program Admissions
Level of Education Required? Master's degree or higher
GPA Required? 3.0 or Greater
GRE or GMAT Required? No GRE required
Work Experience Required? No
Program Tuition
Credit Hours Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view credit and tuition details
Average Cost Per Credit Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view the latest program tuition details
Estimated Program Tuition * Please use the 'tuition' link at the bottom of the page to view the latest program tuition details

* Please see the school website for the most up-to-date tuition costs.

Sara Navratil
Sara Navratil

Sara Navratil is a freelance writer and a Certified Canfield Success Principles Trainer. She's the owner of Sara Liza Life, a company dedicated to helping people rewrite their lives. She enjoys researching and writing about entrepreneurial and general business topics, and providing detailed information on online MBA programs. When not working she likes to read, bake, and spend time with her family.